Thursday, January 27, 2011

Strange & Wonderful things happening

Something is very odd in our house. My son, yes the oh so adorable boy who loves to scream and have a raging fit at nap time, is sleeping.

It all began when he took a 30 minute nap on the way home from yesterdays playdate then he took a 2 hour and 15 minute afternoon nap. The weirdest part was that he didn't wake up once! I didn't have to run to his crib 3 times during that nap to get him back to sleep.

THEN just when things couldn't get any weirder...he sleeps from 7p-6a.m. SERIOUSLY! Now to top it off he has been asleep for an hour for his morning nap. Dare I dream of getting laundry done or even better getting sleep myself? It's just too good to be true. I dare to ask how long can this last?


The Busters said...

Sounds like his ears are feeling better!!! Hopefully the past couple of weeks was just a nasty ear infection phase and now he is getting back to normal. fingers crossed!!

SS said...

Stop blogging. Go take a nap for yourself! :)

I'm glad to hear that weird and wonderful things are happening for you guys!

Amy said...

a nap? dare I dream of that too?

Nikki said...

AWESOME news!!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it stays this way!!!

p.s. His new picture is adorable!!

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