Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Got Fluid?

We do. Infection is gone but there is still fluid behind his ears. We have an appt at the ENT next month but I'm going to try to avoid it if possible. I hate the idea of putting him "under". We are going to the Chiropractor again tomorrow. I figure it can't hurt. We'll try that for the next few weeks and see if we can get rid of the fluid that way.

I am seriously considering giving him chamomile tea tonight before bed. I've been reading that it is safe for infants and if it will help him sleep I am ALL about it.

Update: Confessions of a sleepy mom
I gave him some camomile tea and put some lavender oil on his feet. Both recommendations I found on the internet-so they have to work, right?


Alex said...

Good luck, mama!!! Thinking of you guys.

Nikki said...

Hoping and praying for a good nights rest for you!

Momma C said...

I left you a message on FB but if he needs tubes I have a great ENT- just let me know

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers