Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Good Enough

I think this may be the rudest comment I have gotten to date:

Today I went to my dentist office. The lady cleaning my teeth asked if we had any exciting travels coming up. I told her we would be flying to ET to adopt our first child Her response, 'That's exciting' followed by::: "well if it's GOOD ENOUGH for celebrities it should be good enough for regular people to'.

Good Enough! What???? Really? That was a first for me.


George said...

Yup...I got my 1st comment by a stranger too...the clerk at my bank asked me a zillion questions about why we were choosing to adopt from ET...including, "Now you're like Angelina"...UM, WHAT? I just rolled my eyes and gave him a little bit of a dirty look (I couldn't resist)...some people can be so ignorant.

The Busters said...

Oh my.... that is terrible! Let's just hope she thought about her comment later and realized how stupid and ignorant she must have sounded.

Amy said...

I get the Angelina comment all the time. And each time it gets more annoying.

Alex said...

Oy. I'm sorry. I hope she got it out of her system and doesn't say anything of a similar nature in front of your son or daughter in the future.

Unknown said...

When I told someone we were adopting from Ethiopia, the question I got was "hmmmm...just how black are the kids that come from Ethiopia??" Uh, I think I probably looked like I had just been slapped in the face.

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers