Monday, February 15, 2010

Weird Day

I went to training for work. It sucked. As I have mentioned before pretty much everyone at my work hates/dislikes me. The one person I get a long with is my boss. She is moving to NC next week. No one spoke to me at the trainings-which if fine and mostly expected-but still makes for a really fun day. We took the daycare bus to the training because it was on the other side of town. The snow started shortly after we arrived. We boarded the bus at 3:45ish and I didn't get home until nearly 6p.m.

When I got home I, of course, checked facebook right away. I saw that someone I had went to high school with was killed over the weekend. The circumstances of his death seem bizarre and that much more tragic. I had not seen him in years but it makes me so sad to think that he is gone at 32 years old.

1 comment:

Momma C said...


Hope to see you soon- I used to work in day care- I totally understand

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers