Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Hot Head & Hypocrisy

Hello my name is Amy and I am a hot head. I get very worked up and sometimes go into an irate ramble. I am most often certain that I am right but try to at least consider another point of view (sometimes after the smoke stops rolling from my ears). What is todays hot topic-News media and Conservatives and well I could go on for quite some time.

But I just don't get IT. How can so many (not all) conservatives talk about Christian values (no gay marriage) but then turn around and ask "Who Cares" when it comes to starving children in other parts of the world. These same people have the nerve to complain about Africans having too many children. Would these conservative values allow a woman the right to birth control, family planning and Heaven forbid the right to choose?

When they go to church what is it that they pray for?

There are three articles in particular that have brought on todays anger. One on a married lesbian couple saving children in Norway(and for the most part their efforts ignored by the media), a black 4 year old little boy was intentionally misquoted saying "When I grow up I'll have a gun" they left out the part where he said because he'll be a police officer, and then an article on the growing crisis in east Africa.


1 comment:

jessica said...

I love this Gandhi quote: "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." (Obviously there are some wonderful Christians in the world, but way too many "Christians" lack compassion. It's so strange to me!)

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers