Thursday, December 17, 2009

Searching for Peace

This last week or so has seemed different. Not sure if it is good or bad or how long I will feel this way. I just don't think I can set one more date that the baby should be home and then watch it pass. I'm not sure if I have found peace with the wait or if I've given up.

This was posted on our agency forum:

I am sincerely sorry for everyone who has endured the endless delays of late. Waiting is grueling, which is only compounded when you don't know when or where the end will be. It cuts to the core.

What I am about to say does not change the hurt and the hard of the wait and it is in no way meant to belittle all of the emotions wrapped up in the wait.

Our wait is beautiful. We are waiting to say hello to our future. We are waiting with hope. Waiting with dreams of what will come and visions of family.

The families of our children are waiting to say goodbye. Waiting to kiss their cheek for a final time. To smell their sweet skin and whisper in their ears. They are waiting for loss. Loss that most of us will never have to bear.

And our children will wait too. They will wait for all that is known to return to them and yet it never will. They will wait to hear the whispers of those who love them again. Whispers they will never hear.

If children are not lingering in care. If the agencies we use are acting with haste and due care, then we should be at peace because a decision has not had to be made to say goodbye. There will be one more day. One more kiss. One more moment.

I wish I could go back in time and sit next to the important people in my daughters' lives and whisper in their ears. Just one more day. Give them one more day. Take your time. I will wait here as long as you ask me to.

May you find peace.


George said...

That's the 2nd time I read that lovely post...tears flow yet again...rings so true, down to the core.

The Busters said...

Tears! I'm glad I read it though. Thanks for sharing.

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers