Friday, October 17, 2008

I am bummed or annoyed-maybe both

Ok so we have one last piece of paperwork we are waiting on and it is not here. I know in the grand scheme of things this is probably not a big deal but it is starting to make me nuts. Where is it and why is it taking so long?

I want to get all of our paperwork in a.s.a.p. Plus I keep hearing there may be changes to Ethiopian adoption laws. This makes me nervous. I know that this is just how it goes in international adoption.

I expected little things to come up (and some big things too). Its just difficult to have so little control over something so important to us.


jen said...

Did it come in yet?

Amy said...

No it has not come in yet, but CHSFS says it is ok. (Our homestudy license expired on 9/30 and they are waiting for their new license).

How is your gangsta hubby recovering?

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers