Sunday, April 12, 2009

Do adoptive parents take parenting classes?


Edit: We did take adoptive classes at Children's Hospital. I highly recommend them. Once we get our little one home we will probably speak on their panel.

I was more or less curious about teaching my hubby (love him, but lots to learn) about changing diapers, feeding, etc...

Since I do so much work with kids I am trained in first aid and CPR. Joel needs to get his certification updated before peanut comes home. Unfortunately, it looks like there is no hurry.

Thanks for all your suggestions!


tracy hanson said...

Hi Amy,
I know my Daughter & Son-in-law took several hours of classes thru the Agency they Adopted from.
I hope your Journey to your Peanut will start moving ahead quickly for you.
The waiting is the hardest part!

Alex said...

We took the online parenting classes required for our home study ... that's it! What kind of parenting classes do you mean? Like lamaze-type classes?? (People did suggest that to me). Actually, people told me you can go to a local hospital and take their "parenting" classes if you like, but I decided against it personally.

Emilie said...

Sure, why not? You are going to be new parents and new parents take parenting classes. Although the need for baby care would be dependent on how old the peanut is going to be.

chapinamom said...

Hi from Marysville! My daughter's adoption from Guatemala happened 22 years ago, and the wait seemed so long that I took adoptive parenting classes twice! It was really helpful - especially meeting others who were adopting. Try calling some of the larger hospitals in our area - I'll bet at least one of them has adoptive parenting classes! Hang in there!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers