Monday, December 14, 2009

I give up (sorta)

I am tired of trying to figure out when this adoption is going to happen. For nearly two years I have tried to make sense of something that has little logic. I guess it will happen-when and if it is supposed to. This is easier said then done.

Anyway, we scheduled a family vacation for June with my in laws. Will the baby be there? Will we miss out and be in Africa? I have no freakin' idea. I just couldn't watch one more thing pass me by because of a 'what if'. All I know is I need a vacation so bad it's not even funny. So bring on the beach and the ocean and the drinks!!!


Alex said...

Yes .. the DRINKS! :-) J/k! :-)

The Busters said...

Ah... the beach! Sounds Awesome!

Heidi said...

I just followed your comment on The Busters blog. Wow, I had no idea things were that delayed with your agency. They were in our top 5 but we decided to go with Gladney. Anyway, I am very sorry that your wait is so long and unpredictable. I hope you get the news you are waiting for very soon and a vacation definitely sounds like it is in order!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers